Sunday, November 22, 2009

Sentimental Sunday - A Musical Tribute

This Sentimental Sunday is extra-special because I am, for the very first time, going to post a video. Although I hadn't planned to post on this, the most emotional, and therefore, sentimental thing on my mind right now is the beautiful solo violin concert that my daughter, Natalia, gave last night, and the dedication that she made to me before playing the beautiful, Meditation (from Thais). It's been a long struggle being a single mom of not one, but two very intelligent, talented, and ACTIVE daughters, and I'm proud of the young women they've become. I don't seek recognition in any way, but whenever either of them does something to acknowledge our relationship, or to express appreciation, it blesses my heart.

So, genea-family, today it is with the greatest of SENTIMENT that I introduce you to my daughter, Natalia.



  1. Oh Renate, that was absolutely beautiful. You must be so very, very proud. Violin music always makes me cry; this was no exception. Thank you for sharing a truly sentimental moment.

  2. What a wonderful reason to SMILE!
    Congratulations - I know you are very proud!

    Bill ;-)
    Author of "13 Ways to Tell Your Ancestor Stories"

  3. Renate, you should be wo very proud, what a nice story. And, I tried to listen to it, but I think on my end, I was having problems. I love your top picture as well.
