Sunday, November 8, 2009

Sentimental Sunday

Today I've been inspired by the heartfelt writings of two of my blog-friends, Luckie Daniels over at Our Georgia Roots, and Sandra Taliaferro at I Never Knew My Father. Both of these fellow researchers posted from their hearts today, and in both cases, their writings were a diversion from the usual genealogy-based subject matter. Instead, Luckie expressed her gratitude for her friends in the blogging community in her post, "So Thankful", while Sandra shared her frustration about having "Blogger's Block" in a beautifully-written post (which showed that she can write, even when she isn't trying)!

I connected so immediately with what was written in both of these posts, that I ended up responding with comments that almost sounded like posts themselves, so I decided that I just had to share these writings with my readers. So, head on over to Luckie and Sandra's pages to see what they are talking about. If you don't follow their blogs already, I guarantee you, you'll be swept in by their writings and adding them to your feed in no time at all!

Meanwhile, the ancestors are nudging me to create a new blogging theme because of all of this. I will call it, "Sentimental Sunday" (if you haven't guessed that already). Starting next week, I'd like to encourage everyone to share a sentimental story or memory of an ancestor or family member, or if you'd like, use Sunday as an opportunity to share your feelings about the blogosphere, and the effect it's had on your life and your research! Happy blogging everyone, and have a great week!



  1. Love the new name. I hadn't read Sandra's post, yet, so need to head over there and read it since I'm experiencing my own block.

  2. Renate,

    Thanks for the shout-out. You have come up with a great new theme. My friends will probably say I'm the least sentimental person they know. As my friends, they will also tell you it's just a front. :^)
    Posting under this theme with be a tough one for me, but I will try to meet the challange. Great idea!!


  3. You already know I love the new Blog name & all the cheeriness it's bringing! You have really taken to this blogging thing, huh?

    Thanks for the shouts & for the heartfelt comment -- seems like we are joined at the hip (or the Ancestor) through this GeneaJourney!:-)

    Sentimental Sundays... I like that!


  4. Renate,
    I just picked you for the "Kreativ Bloggers Award". Please stop by my blog and pick it up. Congratulations, you deserve it. I really enjoy what you write here, and wanted to let you know.

