Friday, January 29, 2010

Follow Friday - Two Lories

For my first Follow Friday post, I want to share the blogs of two readers who tend to leave comments for me, from time to time.  They are each named, "Lori", and they both inspire me with their supportive comments, and their well-written, thoughtful, and heartfelt posts.

So, here's to Lori of Genealogy and Me


Lori E. of Stories of My Ancestors

I hope everyone will stop by and check out these two wonderful blogs, and thanks, Lori and Lori for following Into the Light!



  1. Oh my gosh. How sweet of you. Thank you very much.
    It has been my pleasure getting to know you.

  2. What a nice surprise! I just sat down at my computer to read yesterdays blogs and I saw your sweet post.
    I truly enjoy reading your blog and it's a pleasure to comment on your writing!

  3. That is what life is all about, sharing and caring and making a difference in someone life and leaving your legacy behind
