Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy 101 Award from Lori and Sandra!

I'm so grateful to my genea-friends, Lori, over at Genealogy and Me and Sandra of, I Never Knew My Father, for choosing me for the "Happy 101" Award!  Both of these ladies are great bloggers, whose postings are always honest, entertaining, and heartfelt.  I hope all of my readers will check out their blogs!

The Happy 101 Award comes with a couple of "must-dos".  First, I'm to share ten things that make me happy.  Next, I must select ten other bloggers to receive the award.

10 Things That Make Renate Happy

1. The security I have in my relationship with the Lord, Jesus Christ.
2. Waking up each morning.  (I don't take this for granted.)
3. Knowing that my daughters are safe, happy, and prospering.
4. Watching the sun rise over the horizon while sitting out by the ocean.
5. Beautiful sunsets.
6. Watching a good movie with hot buttered popcorn and an icy cold Coke.
7. Relaxing on the beach with a good book.
8. Gazing into the eyes of an infant while as he/she drifts s-l-o-w-l-y off to sleep in my arms.
9. Watching old videotapes of my daughters when they were younger.
10. Enjoying good times and good food on the occasional "Girls Night Out" with friends.

Now, to pass the torch, I'd like to give this award to:

Our Georgia Roots
Reclaiming Kin
Before My Time
But Now I'm Found
Find Your Folks
Conversations With My Ancestors

Happy blogging!


  1. Renate,
    thank you for choosing me for this award. You know I am a big fan of your blog!
