Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - Somewhere, An Ancestor

Another photo from the album of my Cousin Geral Yarboro Sargent, courtesy of my Cousin F.  Somewhere in this picture, I have an ancestor...



  1. Do you know which one? A serious bunch of kids. Where are they?

  2. Hey, Kristin. I have no idea who or which one. This is another of the pictures just received from my Cousin F. If only I knew...

  3. Since it looks like a classroom photo - with the teacher on the end - perhaps if the location is ever identified, there might be local resources for school records that could give some clue.

  4. Great pic Renate. For a minute there I thought that was one of my Aunt's classes. Since I have a lot of teachers in the family, I have some similar pictures of relatives with the early classes.

    Hopefully, someone in the picture will see it on your blog and contact you.

  5. Maybe someone in your family might have some answers. Nice find..thanks for sharing.

  6. This is in excellent condition - great clarity.
