Thursday, July 16, 2009

Re: Gold Mine

Thanks everyone! Your comments are very encouraging, and Angela, yours brought tears to my eyes! I truly appreciate everyone's kind words. As I read over my post, I realized that I didn't even mention two other very special findings in Arthur's filebox. One was a photocopy of his birth certificate. The other was a picture of my father in some kind of of meeting or gathering when he was in the military. My father retired when I was still a baby, and I know very little about his military life, but I do that he retired as a Major at a time when few black men had reached that status. Anyway, I'm going to post the picture that I found, just in case anyone visiting this site is able to explain to me what might be happening in it. It appears that all of the attention of the moment is on my dad, but I sense that all of the other men in the room are of important stature. My ears are open... :)Renate


  1. He must be explaining some type of plan. I see one guy leaning down and looking through a written report. Perhaps the others are asking him questions about this report or plan.

    Do you know what time frame your father served in the military?

  2. He served from approximately 1943-1964. Captain Yarborough is written on the back of the picture, so apparently that was his status at the time.
