Sunday, July 19, 2009

New Awakening

W-O-W. That's really all I can say to express how ridiculously behind the times I've discovered I am in my awareness of, and participation in the electronic genealogy community! I've had no idea that all of you were out here, especially those doing African-American research! Blogs, podcasts, conferences, EVERYTHING is happening on the web, and I didn't know! For the past ten+ years I've been just trudging along on my own, doing great research, but basically keeping it all to myself. I've spent hour upon hour in graveyards, courthouses, Register of Deeds offices, libraries, and even cemeteries, but never was I aware of the existence of so many forums in which I could share my work, my struggles, and/or my triumphs. I've experienced the ups and downs - the highs and lows of this "hobby" (lol) that we all have, but it's always just been a solitary experience, except for those few times that I've tried to share my excitement or my woes with a befuddled friend or a totally uninterested relative. (More on that, later.) Never did I dream that so many people were sharing my same experiences, or that there could actually be a "support group" of sorts out there for people like me. :)

Since joining last week, which was the beginning of my awakening, my own research has been pretty much on hold, as I've spent the majority of my time perusing others' sites, exploring newfound resources (thanks to all of you), and conversing online with other researchers. I'll admit my guard is still up a bit -- I've been well-trained to keep my work to myself, for fear of another researcher "stealing it", or using it to his or her benefit. I guess now, I am the proverbial brick wall that needs to be broken down, but somehow I sense that all of you are going to take care of that. LOL... Thanks in advance.



  1. Welcome to the world of online networking and genealogy! I am much like you, having mostly researched by myself for years, only talking to others at the Archives about my research. So far, though, I have found the online genealogy community to be - for the most part - extremely supportive and helpful.

    I can understand your fears, but in all my years of research, I have never heard of a specific case of anyone "stealing" research. Not that I doubt it happens, but I would expect that it is extremely rare. I found that genealogists on the whole are more than willing to share information, and I myself have been able to break through more than one brickwall through the generosity of others.

    Good luck with your research, and I look forward to reading much more about your research!

  2. Renate - Check it out... you are officially in the digital crowd! Michael Hait gave you "shouts" - & I give you props!:-)


  3. May I add my welcome to those of the others. You will find it that this is a very supportive community. You'll also find that it can overtake you if you let it! so, set some priorities; keeping time for yourself and your research. And please don't be afraid to ask questions or share your research with others online. As Michael said above, I've never been aware of the case where anyone "stole" anyone else's research. ver at my blog, GeneaBlogie (, we have an informal motto: "learn, share, enjoy, appreciate!" I think you'll find that's exactly what happens here. Welcome again; I look forward to reading about your adventures in research.

  4. Welcome to the world of genealogical blogging. I have enjoyed reading your post.

  5. Thanks, everyone, for your kind comments. You are all so encouraging! And thanks to those of you who have introduced me to others on your pages. Sweet! :)
    I'm still trying to get my rhythm with this. I spend most of my time alone, so I'm always THINKING. I couldn't possibly blog all of my thoughts! However, I do find that now, as I'm having my thoughts, I'm asking myself, "Should I put that on the blog?" or I'm saying, "I can't wait to get home and post that thought.") I don't always do it, but I have definitely picked up a new blog mentality. (How about a new word -- "blogtality"???) :) More to come....

  6. Renate,
    OMG!! It's as though you were in my head -reading my thoughts and then decided to put them in print. The past few weeks have opened up a whole new genealogy world for me as well. Since joining GenealogyWise, I have been in awe of all that's going on out there on the internet. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed that I was so out of the loop (LOL), but i'm trying to catch up. I have yet to take the leap into the world of genealogy blogs, but I'm definitely inspired to do so, and to get more involved in this online genealogy community. Your story has given me another nudge towards taking that leap. I look forward to reading more of your research posts. Good Luck!!

  7. Milestgg, I felt that same sense of embarrassment also! I really thought I was doing my thing, until I stumbled upon all of I'm thrilled to know that already I've inspired someone else, just as a certain blogger (you know who you are) insprired me! Please let me know when you start your blog! :)

