
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Me on the Mic - Early 2025

Me speaking at the 2023 NGS Conference in Richmond

Well, this "Renate on the Mic" post, which I started doing a few years ago, started out as just a way of announcing my Black History Month presentations, but has evolved into a somewhat longer list, including speaking engagements that extend beyond that, into the first few months of the year. So, in keeping with this "new" tradition, here's what I have coming up (as of today) for the earliest months of 2025. Links are provided for events that are open to the public.


11th - Getting Started with Genealogy Research Workshop - First Baptist Church Denbigh, Newport News, Virginia (Canceled due to weather.)

11th - AAHGS Central Maryland Chapter - (Online. All are welcome.)  


1st - AAHGS NC Chapters - Annual Black History Month Conference

4th - Hampton University OSHER - Part 1 (Lecture) - Members only.

8th - International African American Museum - Black History Month Series

13th - Georgia Genealogical Society - Monthly Meeting

15th - Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.- Epsilon Kappa Zeta Chapter, with Amherst Glebe Arts Response, and Virginia Humanities - Tracing Our Roots 

23rd - Tyrrell County Genealogical and Historical Society Email tyrrellcogenealogy@gmail.com to request the link.

25th - Hampton University OSHER - Part 2 (Workshop) Members only.


1 - First Baptist Church Denbigh: Getting Started with Genealogy Workshop (rescheduled from 1/11)

6th-8th - RootsTech 

8th - California African American Genealogical Society - 18th African American Genealogy Seminar (Keynote) - https://aafhs.com/

16th - Newport News Public Library (Registration opens on 3/1/25)

That's where I'll stop for now. Events are added to my calendar each week, so if you're interested in knowing what I'm doing, the best thing to do is to follow me on Facebook, where I typically announce any public engagements.

Also, many thanks to those of you who follow me around and support my speaking engagements. It means the world to me to see you at my events, whether in-person or virtual, especially when I know some of you have heard me speak a million times. :) I just love the way we support each other in the genealogy community! We are all in this together!

Thanks,                                                                                                                                    Renate

Permalink: https://justthinking130.blogspot.com/2025/01/me-on-mic-2025.html


  1. Thanks for sharing. Busy as usual!

  2. Just watched your RootsTech presentation and just wow! Thank you so much for sharing your stories and enthusiasm. I'm not new to genealogy, but new to African-American research and your examples of what could be out there is mind-boggling. Thanks again!
