
Thursday, January 25, 2024

52 Ancestors - Week 4: "Witness to History"

 This will be short and quick:

The prompt for Week 4 of "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" is "Witness to History

I'm pleased to be able to say that I, personally, witnessed the election of our nation's first black President, Barack Hussein Obama, in 2008 and that my vote went towards putting him in office, not once, but twice! However, it is even more meaningful to me that members of my family, who lived through and personally experienced all the years of the Civil Rights movement (during which I was a child) were also able to vote for and see President Obama take the highest office in the land.

Photo source: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/barack-obama/

In that light, I am featuring photos of two of my family members who lived to proudly see our first black President and his beautiful family take residence in the White House.

This is my "aunt," Ruby Powell Greene, wife of my late cousin, Judge George Royster Greene,
at an event prior to Mr. Obama becoming President.

And, this is my late mother, Mary Anne Hill Yarborough,  just after she had cast her vote (for the second time) for President Barack Hussein Obama.

There've been so many witnesses to history in my family, and even a few history makers, themselves. Stay tuned for upcoming posts - and feel free to read back over previous posts - to learn more!

Thanks for reading!

Permalink to this post: https://justthinking130.blogspot.com/2024/01/52-ancestors-week-4-witness-to-history.html


  1. What a great memory Renate. Thanks for sharing. My mother was 96 years old when she voted for President Obama. She cried because she said she never thought she would see a Black man elected President during her lifetime. The night of his Inauguration we toasted him with Sparkling Cider in our Obama wine glasses. I have a pic of her voting but not of that moment we gave a toast. Missed opportunity.

    1. Aw, what a treasured memory! Thanks for sharing. (I wish I knew who you are!)

  2. Thank you for the jnfo. Enjoy reading this.
